Sunday, October 21, 2007


HERE IT IS. Please pass it along.


Anonymous said...

Wow....thats all i have to say. You did a great job on this!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I disagree. If you want to ridicule Oral Roberts, the "plain vanilla" version, the man all by himself, not computer altered, his words, his gestures, etc., is much more powerful. Is the sponsor of this site a homosexual, is that why you've got this site? Because I notice there are very few commenting on it, whereas literally thousands have responded to the Tulsa World stories. Well, God bless y'all, God is true and every man a liar.


What specifically is it about this site that radiates homosexuality for you? Why is that even an issue? I'm not understanding the context.

I am sorry to inform you that while we completely embrace and accept people of any sexual orientation, none of us are in fact gay.

Is the commenter a "recovering" homosexual?

(By the way, there's plenty happening aside from minimal commenting on this site)

Anonymous said...

Dear ORU lawsuit:

I am not a "recovering" homosexual (I really don't know what that is, I can only guess), and I was also just "guessing" that someone of the promoters was a homosexual, because of the "queer" remark made by Oral Robbers on the sex tape. I stand by my remarks that the pure unadulterated "sex tape" is more damaging that your edited version, although the edited version is very creative, with the lips and facial expressions, etc.

Now please let me know what's going on on the site that is so interesting even though there are a lack of comments. I am extremely interested in the lawsuit story and checking out every site that reports on it, but of course, I'm not that interested in reading the remarks of people who just hate Oral Robbers religious persuasion. Because as far as I'm concerned, he is a "tare" that validates the "wheat."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, wow... that was so incredibly creepy. I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight about Oral's pontifications on sex. Those were words I never, EVER wanted to hear out of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

This site was developed to serve as a gathering point, not only for all of the information and different mediums that have covered this case, but also as a meeting place for concerned citizens to speak freely about it. As for this video, it has nothing to do with homosexuality (other than the fact that Oral is an intolerant bigot), but does happen to have a lot to do with the type of people the public will have to deal with concerning this lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I have only watched Oral Roberts, during the last 30 years, for less than five minutes at a time. At first, I was giving your website the benefit of the doubt that you had a legitimate ethical concern. But this video pretty turned me off to giving you the benefit of the doubt.

If this "trash" is an an example of those who are upset with Richard Roberts, than no wonder Oral Roberts has taken a side already in this situation with his son.


Trash? Trash?? Making public a bigoted, backwards sex sermon by a relevant and controversial cultural figure in the midst of a scandal is, "trash?!"

There is a legitimate ethical concern. WE don't need your benefit of the doubt if you've already given it to ORU. WE have not committed any crimes.

I'm still very confused at the near vitriolic response to any criticism, satirical or otherwise regarding ORU, DICK ROBERTS or ORAL ROBERTS.

Why don't you try to refocus on what ORU and the family Roberts have done and are doing instead of submitting non-point commentary on your opinion of us personally. It's irrelevant.

Speaking of giving someone the benefit of the doubt, using your real name instead of hiding behind anonymity might lend more credence to your words.... but, uh your "trashy" comments "pretty much turned me off to giving you the benefit of the doubt."

Anonymous said...

It looks to me that you’ve “been had” by a practical jokester that put together a composite strings of phrases from Oral Roberts and made it into a video. In playing the video, it looks like a fake from the “get go.” What is your evidence that it is an authentic speech?

Anonymous said...

So you are saying "contracting AIDS from the poisonous anus of queers" could hold some other meaning if taken in the right context?....Orals context? You need no special audio editing to prove that men like Oral (Pat Robertson, etc.) are intolerant bigots. You just need a basic understanding of the English language.

Anonymous said...

Derek writes:

"So you are saying "contracting AIDS from the poisonous anus of queers" could hold some other meaning if taken in the right context?..."

Actually, the phrase "queers" is used by some in the gay community. It is not necessarily a term that only intolerant bigots use. Although, i would agree, that the word "gay" is a better word to use by those outside of the gay community.

When I watched the video clip I noticed that the speech and talking head seemed rather disjointed. That indicates to me that some sort of digital manipulation is going on behind the scenes.

Like I said, it looks to me that you’ve “been had” by a practical jokester that put together a composite strings of phrases from Oral Roberts and made it into a video. In playing the video, it looks like a fake from the “get go.” What is your evidence that it is an authentic speech? Do you have a date and place for its origin?

Anonymous said...

Check out this video clip for an example of how quotes from Mr. Rogers could also be put together as a "Sex Tape." This tape of Oral Roberts belongs in the same category as this Howard Stern clip of Mr. Rogers.