Sunday, October 28, 2007


TIME: Oral Roberts to the Rescue?


amcorrea said...

This one is quite interesting as well:

"Televangelist Oral Roberts may have created the university that bears his name, but he won't decide whether his son returns as school president, ORU regents Chairman George Pearsons said Wednesday.

"The regents will make that call, even if it conflicts with Oral Roberts' wishes, Pearsons told The Oklahoman.

"'We'll have quite a discussion that day,' if the regents and Oral Roberts disagree about whether new leadership is needed, Pearsons said.

"'We may have some serious decisions to make. But the buck stops with the board,' Pearsons said."

amcorrea said...

And another...

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like the board of regents is starting to care more about the integrity of the university than the founder and his family.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really believe that the Board of Regents is going to change things fundamentally when they bring back Oral Roberts in the midst of a scandal involving his son? Surely, the donations are drying up at the same time that huge debt has come to light. ORU can only survive by bringing in a true academic with unquestioned integrity. If the alumni would see that a new day had come to ORU, they would open up their wallets and save the school. ORU must change or die.

--an attentive alum

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