Friday, October 26, 2007


Why are we hearing that the daughters of Richard and Lindsey Roberts have withdrawn from ORU as of this morning?

Where is the audit report that was completed last Thursday and submitted to the ORU Board of Regents a week ago today?

Why, after flippant denial and dismissal of accusations by Richard and Lindsey Roberts has 90-year-old Oral Roberts been called out of "retirement" to return to Tulsa as a resident and co-interim president in spite of his own categorical denial of the same accusations?

Why has no one followed up this report on obvious connections between Oral Roberts and JC Joyce (Tulsa resident, attorney and non-profit racket loophole expert)? (see articles below)


Anonymous said...

I think LR & her kidlets would be best served by dropping out of ORU. I can't think of a better solution!

Anonymous said...

Hey man,
I don't like what's goin' on at ORU either, but for goodness sakes.. what's with the personal attacks? Keep your opinion professional.

Anonymous said...

wat up brutha?
you give me a hard time on TW?
not nice!


attacks? what opinion isn't being portrayed professionally? these are merely suggested questions that you should ask. the purpose of this site is to inform and to start discussion. in no way does this post reflect an aggressive criticism or opposition to ORU.