Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Roberts On Larry King Live (VIDEO)

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

incredibly done Mr. Dick. You managed to avoid every question with ambiguous paradoxes,sympathetic drama stories, and sheer denial. you fooled everyone. i guess we should all go home.

Anonymous said...

He said the Board of Regents just gave 'overwhelming support' to him as president. That tells me that, either 1. the board of regents has no intention of holding anything accountable because a 'thorough investigation' cannot be conducted in a week...., or 2. He is lying.

Anonymous said...

Could one have honestly expected to get real answers from Roberts on this issue. He did not go on Larry King to clear anything up, nor even to clear the name of the University. He made it abundantly clear that he has no major concern for the University itself, but only for himself when he said that he would not step down as president. His heart is for the students? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget that this infamous Board of Regents is merely but a deck "stacked" by The Dick. What is with the outright falshoods perpetrated during this interview?! Example: Lindsey Roberts stating that neither her or her daughter were employed by the University. While they may not be directly employed by the university, they are however employed by the Oral Roberts Evangelical Association. Come on now - let's be up front. We will only advace through intellectual honesty and tactfully creating awareness of the liars, thieves and predators. The Dick fits these descriptions all.

Anonymous said...

The "church" is so corrupt it needs the world to clean it up!

Burn, baby, burn.

Paul Tay said...

Rev. Richard and Lindsey are out of TOUCH. Their first mistake: They fired the lawyer who told them to shut UP. I bet Gary Richardson et al has their Tivo on. The legal system will chew 'em to pieces.

Unknown said...

lindsay flat out lied.

she said that her daughter is not on the payroll of oru.
so my friend right here is sitting right next to me telling me that the same guy who signed his check this summer when he worked for oru tv productions signed jordan roberts paycheck. he knows for a fact that she is payed by the university.

Unknown said...

To the second comment; the board of regents upon finding these allegations this may, asked the Roberts to step down. they refused.
this Friday there was a mandatory chapel meeting that was cancelled because the board was re-discussing allowing Richard to retain his presidency. the meeting concluded with an investigation of the allegations before making a decision.

Anonymous said...

i would love to know any ministry that doesn't give stuff to thier kids? come on...if we are going down that path you might as well shut down every church in america...lets do a overview? paula whites kids? yep. kenneth copeland? yep. every pk gets perks, so now we're going to attack churches that actually preach the gospel? well why not right because lets be honest look at america? this country is doomed...i work in the news and 2 and 4 year olds are being raped every day...because of the perversion this country produces...so why not get rid of these praying people so we have no one to stand up for whats right or that actually prays... because God knows everyone of the accusers are just going to step in and take the places of richard and lindsey roberts as strong christians and lead our young people in the right direction...sadly i somehow doubt it

Anonymous said...

do you not understand what this lawsuit is about? obviously not. it's not about a few perks here and there. it's about an abuse of power. on what statistics do you base the idea that prayer has any affect on the morals of the United States? i assume you think that without Christianity our country would fall apart. Morals as we know them would cease to exist and GOD would burn the white house to the ground with fire and brimstone. you really believe that prayer keeps murders or rapes from occurring? That's an isolated incident. How many preachers, charlatans, faith-healers and prosperity evangelists are getting by with sex scandal, extortion and flat out ponzi-vortex scheme tactics? Look at the percentage of Christians in the US prisons then compare that to the percentage of atheist intellectuals from higher education...let me know what you find out.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting, but not holding my breath, for SOMEONE, I'LL SETTLE FOR ONE OR TWO, of those "troubled youth" that the Roberts have a secret ministry of helping in the wee hours of the night to come forward and confirm what they say!

Anonymous said...

Great work.