Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Protest Currently In Progress


Anonymous said...

You folks rock! I love you. Hagee, Copeland and Dollar all have an F rating for Transparency from Ministry Watch. ORU is ranked in the bottom quartile in U.S. News College Rankings

Anonymous said...

I would love to go protest, but I'm also trying to get into graduate school, so I don't want to get in trouble before I get my transcripts out of ORU. I emailed the chairman of the board of regents and requested Richard's and Lindsay's resignations. I was told he can be reached at Email away at him, please!

Anonymous said...

I remember when the guy in the middle of the protesters pic was almost kicked out of school last year for his hair style last year. Cut that hair or you're out of here!!!! Keep the energy guys! It's a shame more people don't demand answers. ORU would be a much better place if people would stand up for their school. It's not Richard's school... it belongs to everyone that has ever walked the halls of the GC. It's just as much your school as Richard's school. We're all in this together.

Anonymous said...

That chick in the front is a sexy bitch!

Anonymous said...

As I went down and read all of the comments, I was shocked to see that many of them came from people calling themselves to be ORU alum. What happened to the love that we should have for our brothers, restoring them in the meekness considering ourselves? From reading many of these comments the world is full of perfect "gods" passing judgement on others. I think that I learned that God is the only judge and that our responsiblity is to be an ambassador of Christ that walks in love, compassion and forgiveness. Folks, let's rememeber who we are and not lose track of what we are all really here to do! What is our comments and behaving doing to a world that is already blinded to God. Will this lawsuit and our comments make them want to know the God we serve? I think not! Let's stop talking out of our emotions and start talking to God for all those involved and for our dying world!

Anonymous said...

I am a proud oru student and former instructor. Let me tell you that some of us are tired of the abuse our university is suffering due to unethical leadership and poor stewardship. Let me ask you---is demand for truth, justice, and integrity all in line with the heart of Christ? Did Jesus not criticize the unethical behavior of the pharisees? We are not "judging" in a hypocritical sense but we are looking out for ORU and the heart of its mission. I'm sorry that you think passively turning a blind eye to corruption is the "christian" thing to do, because I'm afraid its not... its the cowardly thing to do. I assure you that prayer is part of the fight, but also using our MINDS and that is what most of us posting on here, who you accuse as being "judgers" are doing and we really have ORU's best interest at heart, we are just doing our part to keep it pure and holy unto God. Don't condemn others for fighting for truth and some institution of accountability at ORU.

Anonymous said...


Americans outside the incestuous, navel-staring "Robert's world" have disdain and even contempt for all this , I point out the following.

When you see cars rushing ahead unaware of a "bridge out ahead" sign, you have to say something.

The "bridge out ahead" is that when you go out into the "real" world with any document with the name Oral Roberts on it, you will discover how most Americans -- including employers and HR people -- see all this.

Anonymous said...


Watch the legal case, if the three don't drop it for a big bucks settlement, discovery and depositions could turn into a sensational Chinese water torture with great impact on donors as the media grab every morsel of ENRON, charismatic style, redux.

-style wrongdoing.

Watch the IRS. They're the real issue and threat to those who treat tex-free -- or even corporate money -- as their own piggy bank.

Koslowski -- he who charged Tyco for a trip to Sardinia, complete with champagne flowing from an ice figure's penis.

Bernie Ebber a "gee whiz" Southern boy who, awe shucks, just did what others said was okay.

The Rigas family -- founders of Adelphia -- who's old man considered corporate money his own piggy bank. His son followed suit and both followed each other to NY state prison.

And we're talking about money their companies earned -- not about tax-free donated money handed them.

It's getting nasty out there, folks.

Watch for indications of reduced student intake, decreased donations, PR fallout.

Watch what the politburo DOES, not what they say. "Saying" is their busuiness, after all. If the commisars' defensiveness grows, if the push for money gets a little more frenetic than normal for the Roberts, if a message of "you're either with us or against us" gets out --- then look out.

IF it appears inevitable ORU is going under the Roberts will, in my opinion, pull the plug themselves, saying an "attack of satan brought it down, raising big, "poor you sympathy" donations from the gullible flock.

Prediction: This will become the relgious "ENRON" of our day in the minds of the American people outside the self-congratulatory evangelical bubble.

If you have the chance to disassociate yourself from the relgious ENRON you might want to do it, for the sake of your own career and money/time investment.

All this is opinion on my part, of course, but I walked away from two (count'em, two) corruptly run, personality-based, "I am God" bible-thumping Christian institutions just in time.

(I can pick'em can't I? Actually, they were all I could afford at the time.)

As a student I got out just before they collapsed in scandals and tainted everyone who loyally stuck with them.

Opinions based on having been through this twice is what this is. Everything may be fine, and the sun may rise in the West-- but you don't want to bet your careers on it.

Anonymous said...

I think Christians, including Oral jr. should stay out of pubic areas.

Paul Tay said...

Hey, can we please drop the Chinese water torture comments? Ya can't use it UNLESS you ARE Chinese. :-P

Anonymous said...

Have you read the updated lawsuit? I find it very believable. It doesn't look good for the R. Robert. I have yet to hear a proper explanation for the defendants for the central issue in this case which is the disgusting treatment of the 3 prof.s Has anyone?

Anonymous said...

she played this young boy toy.....she should go to jail and then to hell