Saturday, October 13, 2007

Revised Lawsuit


A summary of accusations can be found on pages 14 through 21


1 comment:

Mrs. Virginia Turner said...

You know what guy, you make me sick. I can see satan working here and you people are eating it up.
Let me tell people something. There is no why that the Oral Roberts famly has done what they say. The reason is if the Roberts family did every thing that these these people said, then there would Oru. Don't you know that ORU was bulit on The Holy Spirit. That God wanted this bulit on good ground? Don't you think that God would close the doors on ORU if the Robert family was doing all the things that you people are saying that God would take his blessing off ORU that there woul be no more teaching of his word? And you people call yourself Christian? Yeah Right. if you where Chistian..Then first off you would stand on the word of God. Second you would not judge anyone. Remember That Jesus is the onlyone that can judge is Jesus. Remember it says in Bible "Judge and you will be judges all so.
So the me tell you people something, our playing right in to satans hands. I he can't get the Roberts family one why. Hw will get it through you.
I pray that you see what satan is doing?
Oh and also I looke at the ratins and you know what OUR is at the top of the list of the best teacing. So you God sake. Get you head out of the sand and start doing what God want you to do and not what satan want you to do. Remember satan is the prince of lies and you people are following his lies.
For one would not want to stand before Jesus and him ask me why i let satan destroy want I had the Robert family's bulit in my name?
And one more thing I know That I know that this is satan work. And I know that I know that the Robert's family has done the worj of God. So think about want you are doing. Because I believe you poeple are believeing that if you keep going down this path Then there wil be no ORU, The one that was bulit and God's word. Not on people's work.
One more thing make up your mind, Are you in the world or are you of the world. If you are in the world then you are doing what the people want you to do. But if you are of the world then you are doing what God want you to do and not what people like you who who listn to all the lies. But I will tell you one this if the Robert's family are doing what you say then you tell me why Jesus heals people through Oral Robert and Richard Roberts? And why did God save people's live at one of Oral Robert's tent meeting when that hurrican. In that meeting no one was hurt or killed. The tent was destory. But not one person was.
You should think about it before it is to late. Because if you do not do what Jesus wants you to do. Then I feel so sorry for you people and I pity you. Because if you keep following the lies of satan the when you people die of old age and go before Jesus and Jesus ask you people "Why did you you follow satan's lies? why did you destore what I had bulit?"
I believe that you people will be the group that Jesus will say begone For you never showed me a place to stay or feed me or listen to my teaching. You say Lord Lord but you do not mean it.
I will pray that you will see that satan is trying to steal,kill,
and destory. And that is what you guys are doing.You are leting satan work through you people to kill, steal and detory. So do not let satan destory what he bulit though the Roberts famly. So please put the right people (the Robert family) in charge. And start trusting in God and not what people say